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Haiku Poem's    

"We shall never understand one another until we reduce the language to seven words. ..."

- Kahlil Gibran -


           Freely from the tree
graceful on a floating gentle breeze
            Death is upon me


    Squishy between toes
brown water sandy beaches
         natures gift to us


       Tick tock of the clock
winding clogs turning non stop
         time is our master


           five syllable line
Haiku does not have to rhythm
          ink to paper done


     burning down paper
natures gift a plenty grown
      now a love of weed


   Cannabis takes time
leafy green varieties high
    don't rush just enjoy


     Glass stained black by smoke
pugnant herb burns sweet smell lures
              Nirvana now bound


          High he was thinking
smoked to much this here weekend
          What a joke weakling

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