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Atheistic Poetry

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

- Christopher Hitchens -

   The Big Bang Story

In a flash quicker than one can phantom the universe arose homogeneously, 
From a speck smaller than a dust particle packed in a very high energy density,
quark–gluon plasma's as well as other elementary particles locked in intensely,
Whizzing in random motions were particles at relativistic speeds precision,
Pairs continuously created then destroyed in awe annihilating collisions,
Giving genesis to various proportions of intense neutrinos and photons.

Pistachio green hydrogen combined with garnet red singly ionized sulfur,
Indigo blue's of double-ionized oxygen atoms displaying beautiful colours,
Energetic radiation blasting winds causing it to disperse away from its source,
Mighty nebulae ranging in contrasting shapes dotting across the vast heavens,
Interstellar nurseries preparing the birth of planets and stars amazingly leaven,
Sumptuous cloud of dust crabbing out or towering up like the Pillars of Creation.

Being drawn apart by dark energy's powerful compulsion eventually they will collapse,
Condensed molecular clouds considerable or small in outer space destine to fall into relapse,
Giving nurturing rise to our first protostars single or binary, and exo-planets elapse,
Propagating blinding powder white's and lemon yellow stars eventually spark into existence,
As various sizes of rocks from grains to boulders smash together off in the stars near distance,
Their collection binding together under gravity's powerful force, new terrestrial bodies persist.

As the sun fuses atoms fueling it's life cycle nuclear fusion kick in,
Burning it's hydrogen into helium, the largest stars death approach begins,
Creating life threatening molten iron deep within its interior abyss,
Soon unable to receive life sustaining energy, gravity is about to win,
Trillions of tons of materials come rapidly lashing back upon itself within,
Smashing off its iron inner core, bouncing back blasting it contents it emits.

Riding along with the beams of light and shock waves of the tremendous blast sealed,
The life seeding gift from these supernova's only one of its legacy's yet revealed,
For once the star exhausts upon itself a black hole in the fabric of time now peels,
Devouring all that comes within its domain, nothing from this monstrosity may escape,
Just like the fate of planets and stars that will expire so will our complex universe,
Contraction inevitably acceleration of time finishing the universe in a gravitational disperse,
From the Big Crunch into a Big Bounce" initiating another Big Bang its contents disbursed.

The Truth of Evolution.

Rapidly expanding a frost white star steadily awaits to discharge,
Ready to cast it's secret contents as it continues to enlarge,
To launch ginger coppers as well as ash iron across outer space,
Expeditiously it collapses in upon itself as if crushed with a mace,
Expelling it's life seeding contributions out into far off reaching places.

Within a primordial soup assembled carbides mixed with hydrogen,
Hydrocarbon organic molecules amalgamated with odorless nitrogen,
Accumulating like a gel-like substance, and amino acids congregated,
Struck by brilliant electric forks of lightning the soup had baited,
The most exquisite first primitive forms of life had just been created.

The birthing conception of the unicellular organism billions of years past, 
Allowed time for evolution to give way for multi-cellular organism to amass,
Leading to celled bacterium widely ranging from spheres and rods or spirals,
Their ability to diversify across this this vast globe they have gone viral,
In a dance of love and hate in their host they create, there are no other rival.

Among the host of Prokrayotes appeared the Eukaryotes with their mitochondrion,
Branching off from the tree of life between animals and plants baffling protean,
Giving way to majestic creations that may be hard to for many to quite understand,
For the process of Natural Selection takes no heed in its adventurous advances, 
Such as lucent coconut white sea squirts who gave way to mutations enhanced. 

Ancestors along the way gave rise to numerous species of fish such as the Tiktaalik,
Out of the water did his head spike, unto land thanks to changes so microscopic,
Giving birth to a mixture of amphibians and a diversity of different species of animals,
Juniper green trumpet like cooksonia from a variety of algae to dazzling ferns all palpable,
Provisioning out life's sustaining oxygen so casual, aiding in creations so vastly radical.

Out of all life that has ever lived upon this grand planet, 98 percent snuffed out by extinctions,
Causing so much destruction and devastation, such abhorring scenes as out of some kind of fiction,
Often being given another chance by altering climatic changes and amazing tectonic compulsion,
Bestowing omnipotent volcanic spouting lava, its magma causing the earth to quiver in convulsions,
Conveying large land masses transversely around the face of this sphere due to its puissant compulsion.

Under the stresses of impulse did our ancestors come down out of the protection of evergreen trees,
Forcing our forebears to become bipedal, now able to see past the swaying grass over a gentle breeze,
A last came the dawn of the extensively branching genus homo, Australopithecus, habilis and then erectus,
Proliferating throughout the globe, the lost Neanderthal and sapiens only differing in minor appearances, 
One of the major distinctions is our ability to read and write poems in due part of our evolving coherence.

     A View on Theism

The seven whores of Babylon sitting on a hill,
One took over with a butchers bill.
That old whore, cunning she was,
For over a thousand years she fooled every one of us.
For many a year this whore held all the power,
Then men started to fight back, turning the whore’s wine sour.
With reason and thought they said “fuck you”,
Each year ever after, man started to empty the pews.

The stink and the stench that we call religion,
It’s heavy in the air, this is not a smidgen!
With their noses held high in the air,
Fuck you bastards, many of us are not easily ensnared.
Christianity, Judaism, Buddhists, Pagan, who cares?
Trying to brainwash us, making us your heirs.
No sir, we will have nothing to do with your sinister ways,
Regardless of how you present it to us, it’s the same bullshit rephrased.

Though we may be young, give us some credit,
Our brains we use, your garbage we will edit.
Toss it to the curb where it belongs,
We will try to correct what you have wronged.

Take your hypocritical ways when you leave,
We are sick of hearing your bullshit about “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”.
Do not forget to subdued your child and women,
As it is one of the ways that will get you to heaven.

Do not spew me this shit that morals are from “god”,
“Religion is poison”, your god is a dog.
I will stick with my stomach on what is right or wrong,
Not from fear of a “Devil” prodding me with a fucking three sides prong.

Take your fears, your threats of “fire, brimstone and hell”,
You are fucking crazy, someone should lock you up in a cell.
Take a look around you and see all that religion has done,
War, pain and suffering, so much damage, it is you that we should shun!

Take your bullshit and lies and throw it all in a pile,
More and more people no longer swallow your poisonous bile.
Move out of the way, the power is no longer yours to hold,
Free Thinkers have come and broken your mold.

The day has come for you to bow down,
The joke is on you, not all of us are fucking clowns!
The glory days have been here and will be gone,
And a new day of reasoning will dawn.


The lack of belief 
is one simple thing,
it doesn't restrict us
So here is my creed.

Just because Gods are obsolete
to my to my rational appeal,
does not mean I cannot
enjoy things that are not real.

I fancy demons and gobbling's
as well as angel's and Hobbits,
the magical spells of Elve's
in far off fantasy realms.

Because religion is outdated
to my own logical senses
people think I'm on hiatus
to good fictional content.

I love dragon's and trolls,
also ancient wizards of ol,
Dungeon & dragons and Gnoll's,
creatures the suck out souls.

Disbelief I do claim
only of deities people believe
yet fiction I cannot defame,
of that my imagination can achieve.

The Via Dolorosa

Hanging me on your cross
for not thinking your way,
pierced my side,
taking my choice away,
heretic, heathen,
somehow I'm to blame.

The one who chose to
kiss me on the cheek,
or the one who claimed
they didn't know me...
betrayal of friendships
while honeyed words you speak.

Your chosen savior winces
as you clutch your crucifix,
of you his hands are rinsed,
ignoring your prayers affixed.

Carry my cross upon the way,
persecuted, harrowed, harassed,
I've been put on display,
place a crown of labels
upon my hemorrhaging head,
a non believer better off dead...

The Primate

The primate in me
living with constraints,
judgemental society,
dictates what we'll be,
fighting my personality,
struggling, struggling...

Down and out of the trees,
watch us scratch at our fleas,
evolution has no guarantees
that our race will comprehend,
living lives so bitter,
bitter from our own experiences.

What's expected of me,
others afraid to agree,
what I am is floating inside,
subconscious, symbiosis,
we're suppressing our identity,
no longer living to be free!

The primate disease,
denying our genes,
forced upon routines,
slaved to machines,
told what to believe,
Not mean to be,
what we've become as a society.

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